Huwebes, Agosto 20, 2015

 Signing Up for Blogger 
1. Go to www.blogger.com2. Enter your Google Email and password into the Sign In box on the right side of the screen. 3. Confirm Profile by clicking the Continue to Blogger button at the bottom of the screen. Creating a Blog
1. Click the New Blog button. The Create a New Blog window should appear.2. Type in a title for your blog in the Title box 3. Type in a short address that relates to your blog's title in the Address box. Important! If the address is already taken you will see a yellow box with an exclamation point. If the address is available, you will see a blue box with a check mark.4. Select a template from the options provided by clicking on one. When a template is selected, it will have a blue box around it. You must select a default template for now, but you will be able to customize it later.5. Click Create Blog button.Picture of Creating a BlogPicture of Creating a Post

1. Click the button with pencil on it. When you hover over it it should say Create New Post.2. Type a title for your post in the post box3. Type up a post in the post field below the post boxPicture of Editing your Layout.This is the screen you are brought to after publishing your post. Select Layout from the menu on the left side.

A Gadget allows your blog readers to interact with your blog. Choose the ones you believe will most attract and benefit your followers.


1. Click any blue Add a Gadget button to select a new Gadget.
                 Keep in mind that the location of the Add a Gadget button that you click on is where the Gadget will appear on your blog.
2. You can choose from Basic Gadgets, More Gadgets, or Add Your Own.
          Basic Gadgets are the most popular Gadgets created by the Blogger website.
          More Gadgets are usually created by other bloggers and have been found useful by many others.
          Add Your Own is a feature which allows you to create your own custom Gadget by entering a URL.
3. When you've found the Gadget you want, click the blue plus button on the right to add the Gadget to your blog.
Picture of Rearranging Gadgets
The Gadgets with a dark grey bar on the right edge are movable. 
Click and drag the Gadget that you want to move.
Keep in mind that other Gadgets may be moved due to where you drag the selected Gadget.
Click Save arrangement on the top right to save changes made to the layout.
1. Click Edit in the bottom right corner of the Gadget.
2. Click the Remove button.

Picture of Editing Template
1. From the menu on the left side of the page, select Template2. Select Customize under the preview titled Live on BlogHere is where you can change the template from the one you chose at the beginning. For the purpose of this tutorial, please choose the first option given after choosing Dynamic Views from the groups at the top.

 Editing Background
Picture of Editing Background
1. Select Background from the menu at the top left of the page. It should be located directly under Templates.
2. To change the background image, hit the down arrow under Background image and choose your preferred image.
3. To change the color theme of the entire blog, hit the down arrow under Main color theme or choose one of the Suggested themes.
Note: The main color theme feature is not available for all templates. If it is unavailable, you will get a message telling you so under Main color theme.
Picture of Adding a Gadget

Sabado, Hulyo 11, 2015

S.Korea pension fund to vote for Samsung merger - Korea Economic Daily


           South Korea's National Pension Service (NPS), the biggest investor in Samsung C&T Corp, has decided to vote its shares in favour of an $8 billion all-stock takeover offer from sister firm Cheil Industries Inc, the Korea Economic Daily reported, without citing any sources.
NPS holds an 11.2 voting stake in Samsung C&T, a construction firm, and its vote could be decisive in what is expected to be a close vote at a July 17 shareholder meeting.
The merger, seen as key to a generational leadership transfer at Samsung Group, has drawn opposition from activist U.S. hedge fund Elliott Associates.
NPS decided in an internal meeting on Friday it had decided to support the merger, based on the positive outlook for the combined firm's share price and the group's plans to bolster shareholder rights, such as setting up a governance panel and expanding dividends, the newspaper reported late on Friday.
On Friday, Yonhap news agency reported the NPS had reached a decision, but would not announce its vote until after the July 17 meeting.
(Reporting by Joyce Lee; Writing by Tony Munroe; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)
A spokesman for the NPS declined to comment to Reuters.

Sabado, Hunyo 27, 2015